miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015


The more I think of it the more I realize there are no answers. Life is to be lived. And since it is comparatively so short – maybe too short; maybe too long – the one thing I know for sure — it isn’t easy. Now that I want to live and I feel suddenly not old, not concerned about previous things except to protect myself, my life and to desperately (pray) tell the universe — I trust it.”



Sometimes, we fight for something only to discover by the time we get it, our goals have changed.
For some, it's too late.
The lines have been drawn and the damage has been done.
But other times you get the thing you always wanted only to find out it isn't what you really need.


viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015


We all like to think that we're in the driver's seat of our own lives.
But the truth is, the idea that we can control our fate is an illusion.
You can choose the most loyal friends, the dream job, the truest love.
But at the end of the day our fate is decided for us.


miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015


They say every road comes to an end, but sometimes the end feels just like the beginning.
You can suddenly find yourself right back where you started, because every journey is fraught with twists and turns.
And one false step could spell disaster.
But no matter what you still have to stay the course and forge your own path.


lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015


Maybe it's not blood bonds that make us a family.
Perhaps it's the people who know our secrets and love us anyway, so we can finally be ourselves.


jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015


Transitions in life are usually marked by major events... birthdays, graduations, weddings.
But the greater transitions often come out of smaller moments.
When we stop and look at who we are.
Because each time we see how far we've come, we also see how far we still have to go.

In order to fully transform, we might need to free ourselves of everything we've been holding on to.
To sends us on our new path... the right one.

But if at the end, you find the person you've become is not the person you want to be.. You can always turn around and try again.
And maybe the next time, you won't be so alone when it's over.



People don't write sonnets about being compatible or novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation.
The great loves are the crazy ones.
There's a difference between a great love and the right love.
I didn't wanna let you go just yet.
It's taking all the power I have to walk away from you.
But I need to let you go.
You need to let go.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.


martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015


As with any journey, who you travel with can be more important than your destination.
You never know who you'll encounter along the way.
Who knows? Maybe fairy tales come true after all.


lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015


You're frightened of being hurt again.
But let me tell you this.
You will be hurt again, and so will I, because being hurt is part of being alive.
But that is no reason to give up on the man who is right for you.


miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015


Sometimes in life, we hit a crossroads and are forced to choose which path we want to take.
And there's no way of knowing if our journey will lead us to pleasure or to pain.
Once we've made our choice, there's no turning back.



Sometimes you have to let things go so there's room for better things to come into your life.


martes, 20 de octubre de 2015


We're holding on to the pain because it's all we have left.
But we don't have to.
We have a choice.


lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015


- They say it's a broken heart, but I hurt in my whole body. I mean, what if I stay like this forever? What if I never get over him?
- You will. You'll see.



You reap what you sow.
What goes around comes around.
No matter how far you run, you can never truly escape.
Everything catches up to you in the end, and when it does, it usually kicks your ass.

And all in an instant, everything changes.
We leave the past behind and speed toward the unknown... our future.
We set out for far-off places and try to find ourselves.
Or try to lose ourselves exploring pleasures closer to home.
The problems start when we refuse to let change happen and cling to old habits.
But if we hold on to the past too tight, the future may never come.


jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015


The more words we invent, the harder it is to define things.
When you can date without sex, screw without dating and keep sex partners as friends long after the screwing is over, what really defines a relationship?
Maybe that's it.
What ultimately defines a relationship is another relationship.


martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Eclipse Total del Corazón

Muchos creen que el cerebro es lo que controla nuestras acciones...
pero a menudo es el corazón el que hace mas trabajo.
Y puede hacer que hagamos las cosas más locas.
Pero también hace arriesgarnos en nuevas aventuras.
Porque cuando abrimos nuestro corazón, podemos explorar un mundo de amor...
y quedar sorprendidos con las personas que ya están en nuestra vida.
Pero desafortunadamente, nuestros corazones son muy sensibles...
y cuando se rompen todo alrededor se hace trizas.


Total eclipse of the heart.

While most people think it's our brain that controls our actions, it is often our heart that gets the biggest workout.
It can make us do the craziest of things, but it can also let us take a chance on new adventures.
Because when we open our heart, we can explore a world of love and be pleasantly surprised by the people already in our life.
But unfortunately, our hearts are very sensitive, and when they're broken, everything around us is shattered.


martes, 6 de octubre de 2015


With enough time, we all find what we're looking for.. even if it was there all along.
And when time slows, and suddenly every moment counts, all you want is for this time to last forever.
With enough time, eventually we all see what was right in front of us.
And realize no matter how long it took, It was worth the wait.
But for some, that time never comes.

Instead of healing old wounds the wait just opens new ones.. time after time.



Even when we're sure we've earned that happy ending It doesn't always come.
Second thoughts creep in.
Secret missions sneak out.
And only sleeping beauty finds her prince.



We make our own fortunes, and then call them fate.
And what better excuse to choose a path than to insist it's our destiny?
But at the end of the day, we all have to live with our choices.
No matter who's looking over our shoulder.


lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


They say that there are no accidents.
Sometimes, reality comes crashing into us.
Other times, it dawns on us slowly, despite our best efforts to ignore it.



Sometimes it's the truth you've been trying not to face or the truth that will change your life.
Sometimes it's the truth that's a long time coming.
Or the truth you prayed would never see the light of day.
Some truths may not be heard the way we hoped they would.
But they linger long after they've been said.



You did the right thing.
Then why do i feel so bad?
Doing the right thing takes courage and strength.


miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015


There are two wolves, and they're always fighting.
One is darkness and despair.
The other is light and hope.
Which wolf wins?
Whichever one you feed.

Dreamers need to stick together.
We are looking for dreamers.
Anyone who will feed the right wolf.


martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015


During your travels, it's important to always keep one thing in mind. When one thing ends, something else begins.

Love Happens 

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015


Happiness is a state of mind and, like all things, it takes practice. Devote five minutes a day to smiling, just smiling, and after a while it'll come naturally.

Love Happens


Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise, life will give you lemons. When that happens, you've got two choices. You can wear a sour face or make lemonade.

Love Happens 

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015


When it comes to family, we're all still children at heart.
No matter how old we get, we always need a place to call home.
Because without the people you love most you can't help but feel all alone in the world.



In a bidding war, even when you win, what you thought you wanted can suddenly be re appraised.
Other times, old opponents resurface to raise the stakes.
But it's the things we walk away from that feel like they cost the most.
And yet, it's when we've been outbid, forced to watch our prize go home with others, that the rules of protocol no longer apply.
I wouldn't put your paddles away just yet.
Who knows what bidders will do when they're desperate?


domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015




viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015


The future isn't just something that happens. It's a brutal force, with a great sense of humor, that'll steamroll you if you're not watching.


martes, 4 de agosto de 2015


But every once in a while, the fates smile upon you and you get the one thing you really need.



Hello, its me
I thought you'd understand
well maybe I should have kept my mouth shut
I keep seeing such a pretty picture
I'd rather be hated than pitied
maybe I should have left it to your imagination
I just want to be me


domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

I'm thankful that no matter how dark things might get, old friendships can still be rekindled.
I'm thankful for new relationships that help us realize how far we've come from who we were and how close we get when we can really be ourselves.
I'm thankful to know that no matter what you can go home again, whether it's your home or not.


jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


Dreams.. everybody has them.. some good, some bad.
Some you wish you could forget.
Sometimes you realize you've outgrown them.
Sometimes you feel like they're finally coming true.
And some of us just have nightmares.
But no matter what you dream, when morning comes, reality intrudes and the dream begins to slip away.


miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015


You might be brave enough to reveal your secret, only to have it used against you. Or someone else's secret might affect you in unexpected ways.
There are some secrets you're only too happy to keep.
Others surface only to be buried away deeper than they were before.
But the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal, that once spoken, change everything.

Love may fade with the season, but some friendships are year-round.



A simple trip to the beach could be all it takes to clear our heads and open our hearts and write a new ending to an old story.
There are those who got burned by the heat. They just want to forget and start over.
While there are others who want each moment to last forever.
But the end of summer is the beginning of a new season, so we found ourselves looking to the future.
You ain't seen nothing yet.


martes, 28 de julio de 2015


Sí, la verdad siempre sale a la luz. Es una de las reglas fundamentales del tiempo. Y cuando sale a la luz, puede liberarte.


lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

One thing about being on the inside.. once you get there, you don't always get to choose where you stand. Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be. And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself.

Uno de los problemas de estar adentro es que cuando estas ahí no siempre eliges donde estar. O donde sentarte.
A veces necesitas salir, aclarar tu mente y recordar lo que eres. Y donde quieres estar.
Y a veces, hay que aventurarse fuera de tu mundo para encontrarte a ti mismo.

It's often said that no matter the truth, people see what they want to see.
Some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture all along. Some people might see that their lies have almost caught up to them. Some people may see what was there all along. And then there are those other people.. the ones who run as far as they can so they don't have to look at themselves.


domingo, 26 de julio de 2015


Some say love is a river..
Some say love's a silly song..
Some say love is all around us..
it lifts us up where we belong
Some say love is hearing laughter in the rain..
but in real life, we all know love is pain.

Algunos dicen que el amor es un río..
Otros dicen que el amor es una canción tonta..
Otros que el amor está a nuestro alrededor.
Y que nos eleve a donde pertenecemos.
Muchos dicen que el amor es oír risas en la lluvia.
Pero en la vida real todos sabemos que el amor es dolor.



We go to the movies because we want to see fairy tales.
But life isn't a fairy tale and happy endings are few and far between.
So that's why we need movies.
To remind us that despite it all, love can still spring in the most unlikely of places...
and that sometimes even fairy tales can come true..


martes, 30 de junio de 2015

No te enfoques en lo que no has podido lograr o en lo que queda por hacer. Enfócate en lo que si has podido lograr.

Cada paso que se da es importante. Cada esfuerzo que se hace tiene y efecto positivo, por pequeño que sea. Y eso es lo que importa.

martes, 23 de junio de 2015


The truth is, everyone breaks the rules now and then.
Never thinking for one second they might get caught.
But if they do, they simply ask for forgiveness.
And most of the time, they receive it.
But some acts are so wicked, they demand only our condemnation.
How do people avoid such a fate? Well the trick is knowing which rules are made to be broken and which rules are not.


sábado, 20 de junio de 2015


Faith is a belief in something that cannot be proven.
So we trust in the words of the only father we've ever known.
We believe the promises of the man who shares our bed.
We rely on the example of dear friends Who help us to be better people.
Yes, we all want to believe in those we are closest to, but where there is doubt, our faith begins to vanish and fear rushes in to take its place.


martes, 16 de junio de 2015


It was supposed to be a beautiful day.
But then the winds came and changed everything and not just the houses and the lawns.
The people had changed, too.
While the storm had raged, each of them had learned something about friendship and forgiveness and redemption.
And some had learned the hardest lesson of all, that life is always fragile and very often unfair.



We think of the past as water under the bridge.
A current that carries away the mistakes of our youth.
The loves we lost.
The addictions we gave into.
The opportunities we threw away.
But sooner or later, reminders drift back into our lives of the mistakes we made and the sins we committed.

Yes, the mistakes of our past have a way of drifting back into our lives.
And when they do we have to pay for them.

The past is never truly behind us.
Ghosts lurk in the shadows, eager to remind us of the choices we made.
But if we look back, we might find an old friend with open arms or an old enemy with a hidden agenda.
Some of us refuse to look back, never understanding that by denying the past we are condemned to repeat It.



You find it in all the best homes.
Why do people resort to deception?
Because it's a handy tool that helps get us exactly what we're looking for.


lunes, 15 de junio de 2015


There is much to be afraid of in this world, but what we fear has nothing to do with gruesome masks or plastic spiders or lifelike monsters.
No, it's the thoughts in our head that terrify us the most.
What if he comes to regret his decision?
What if he really is unhappy?
What if the chance for love has passed forever?
How do we conquer these terrifying thoughts? We start by reminding ourselves what does not kill us just makes us stronger.


domingo, 14 de junio de 2015


Everyone has fun playing games, right up until the moment someone gets hurt.



There is nothing more deceptive than a smile, and no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them.
Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies.
Some put on beaming faces to keep their tears from falling.
Others wear silly grins to mask their fear.
But then there is that rare smile that is actually genuine.
It's the smile of a person who knows his troubles will soon be over.


sábado, 13 de junio de 2015


There is nothing more important.
They are the ones who show up when we're in trouble.
The ones who push us to succeed.
The ones who help keep our secrets.
But what of those who have no family to rely on? What happens to those poor souls who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need? Well, most learn to walk life's road by themselves but a sad few of us simply stop trying.



From the moment we wake up in the morning, till our head hits the pillow at night, our lives are filled with questions.
Most are easily answered and soon forgotten.
But some questions are much harder to ask, because we're so afraid of the answer.
And what happens when we ask yourself the hard question, and get the answer we'd been hoping for? Well, that's when happiness begins.


viernes, 12 de junio de 2015


It's the type of thing most people don't think about until it's taken away.
We all want some sort of power in our lives.
If only to give ourselves choices.
Yes, to be without choices, to feel utterly powerless... Well, it's a lot like being alone in the dark.


jueves, 11 de junio de 2015


It's a force so potent we still remember it long after it's faded away.
A drive so alluring, it can push us into the arms of unexpected lovers.
A sensation so overwhelming, it can knock down walls we've built to protect our hearts.
A feeling so intense, it resurfaces even though we tried so hard to keep it buried.
Yes, of all emotions, passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and an excuse to commit all sorts of crimes.



Recapturing the past is a tricky business.
While most memories are simply souvenirs of a happier time.
Others can be quite deadly.



Yes, it can happen so quickly.
Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye.
Unlikely friendships can blossom.
Important careers can be tossed aside.
A long lost hope can be rekindled.
Still, we should be grateful for whatever changes life throws at us.
Because all too soon, the day will come when there are no changes left.


miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015


Relationships have nothing to do with good judgment.
It doesn't matter how smart you are.
You can still get hurt.



Everyone is capable of it.
But some go about it more ruthlessly than others.
Like the ones who crave vengeance.
Or the ones who hunger for love.
Or the ones who are determined to burn bridges.
And then there are those who simply want something.
Something that belongs to someone else.


martes, 9 de junio de 2015


We all carry something with us.
Of course, it's nice if we travel with someone who can help lighten the load.
But usually it's easier to just drop what we've been carrying, so we can get home that much sooner.
Assuming, of course, there will be someone there to greet us when we arrive.
Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're desperate to move on? Because we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon.


sábado, 6 de junio de 2015


We've all done something in our lives we're ashamed of.
Some of us have fallen for the wrong man.
Some have let go of the right one.
There are those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children.
Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love.
But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes.


martes, 2 de junio de 2015


The opposite of love isn't hate.
It's indifference.
And if you hate me, that means you still care, and we're still connected.



Now and then, we all need a little help so we ask for small favors.
But it's always best to be wary of those eager to come to our rescue.
Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag.
Yes, everyone has an agenda.
No matter what they may tell us.
And in those rare instances "where there" is no ulterior motive, we're so taken aback that we may fail to recognize the truth that a loving friend has just done us an enormous favor.



The world is filled with unlikely friendships. Odd pairings that to the casual observer make absolutely no sense at all. But if we look closer, we can see why these alliances formed. After all, a shared purpose can give even mortal enemies common ground.
The world is filled with unlikely friendships.
How do they begin? With one person desperately in need, and another willing to lend a helping hand.
When such kindness is offered we're finally able to see the worth of those we had previously written off.
And before we know it a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it.
Yes, unlikely friendships start up every day.
No one understands this more than the lonely.
In fact, it's what they count on.


lunes, 1 de junio de 2015


Kisses are such simple things, we hardly notice them.
But if we paid more attention, we'd see that each kiss conveys a meaning all its own.
For example, some can say, "I'm so happy to see you".
Or, "I didn't realize you'd be here".
Or, "honey, it's time to stop drinking".
The trick is in knowing how to tell the difference.
The act itself never varies, but each kiss carries with it a meaning all it's own.
It can convey a husband's eternal devotion or a wife's enormous regret.
It can symbolize a mother's growing concern or a lover's growing passion, but whatever its meaning each kiss reflects a basic human need.
The needs to connect to another human being.
This desire is so strong it's always amazing when some people dont understand it.



It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys.
Sinners can surprise you.
And the same is true for saints.
Why do we try to define people as simply good or simply bad? Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty can live side by side in one heart and that anyone is capable of anything.


domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015


In a world filled with darkness, we all need some kind of light.
Whether it's a great flame that shows us how to win back what we've lost, or a powerful beacon intended to scare away potential monsters, or a few glowing bulbs that reveal to us the hidden truth of our past.
We all need something to help us get through the night.
Even if it's just the tiniest glimmer of hope.



Cameras are simple tools designed to capture images.
Images that tell us more about ourselves than we realize.
They remind us of the long journey we've taken; the loved ones who travelled alongside us; those we lost along the way and those waiting for us on the road ahead.
Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images.
But in truth, they can capture so much more.
Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams.
Dreams we didn't even know we had.


viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015


No siempre se trata de ganar.
Hay batallas que se abandonan y no por eso se pierden.
En la guerra cambian los objetivos.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015


Todo el mundo disfruta de vez en cuando del juego de las mentiras.
Por supuesto, la forma en la que jugamos puede variar mucho.
A veces, imaginamos que ciertas relaciones son más significativas de lo que realmente son.
Y a veces, montamos un espectáculo, para convencernos que nuestros secretos no son tan terribles.
Si, el juego de las mentiras es simple.
Uno empieza mintiendose a si mismo.
Y si lo gramos conseguir que los demás crean nuestras mentiras, ganamos.



Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then.
Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly.
Sometimes, we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are.
Occasionally, we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible.
Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one.
You start by lying to yourself no.
And if you can get others to believe those lies you win.



It's extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it.
Some rely on deception, while others engage in a world of lies.
Then there are those who resort to extorsion.
Why do we fight so hard for control? Because we know: To lose it is to put our fate in the hands of others.
And what could be more dangerous?


miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015


I hope we all find what we're looking for.
Sadly that's just not the way life works.
Not everyone gets a happy ending.



Nothing is forever.
And the time comes when we all must say goodbye to the world we knew.
Goodbye to everything we had taken for granted.
Goodbye to those we thought would never abandon us.
And when these changes finally do occur, when the familiar has departed, and the unfamiliar has taken its place, all any of us can really do is to say hello and welcome.


martes, 26 de mayo de 2015


The vow is simple, really.
Those who take it promise to stay together for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.
To honor and to cherish.
Forsaking all others.
Until death do us part.
Yes, the vow is simple.
Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part.
But if we can, that's when we begin to live happily ever after.



Life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side.
Of course, that companion can be just about anyone.
A neighbor on the other side of the street or the man on the other side of the bed.
The companion can be a mother with good intentions or a child who's up to no good.
Still, despite our best intentions, some of us will lose our companions along the way.
And then the journey becomes unbearable.
Human beings are designed for many things.
But loneliness isn't one of them.


viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015


We all honor heroes for different reasons.
Sometimes for their daring.
Sometimes for their bravery.
Sometimes for their goodness.
But mostly, we honor heroes because at one point or another, we all dream of being rescued.
Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes, we just have to rescue ourselves.



Each new day brings with it a new set of lies.
The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep.
We whisper them in the dark, telling ourselves we're happy.
Or, that he's happy.
That we can change.
Or that he will change his mind.
We persuade ourselves we can live with our sins or that we can live without him.
Yes, each night before we fall asleep we lie to ourselves, in the desperate, desperate hope, that come morning, it will all be true.


lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015


It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is.
It can sustain us through trying times or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices.
And long after we're gone, love remains, burned into our memories.
We all search for love.
But some of us, after we've found it, wish we hadn't.

Sooner or later the time comes when we all must become responsible adults and learn to give up what we want, so we can choose to do what is right.
Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy.
And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.
But still we try to do what is best.
What is good.
Not only for ourselves.
But for those we love.


miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015


Trust is a fragile thing.
Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom.
But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover.
Of course, the truth is, we never know who we can trust.
Those we're closest to can betray us.
And total strangers can come to our rescue.
In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves.
It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.

People are complicated creatures, on the one hand able to perform great acts of charity, on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal.
It's a constant battle that rages within all of us, between the better angels of our nature and the temptation of our inner demons.
And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.


viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Estas semanas sin verte
Me parecieron años
Tanto te quise besar
Que me duelen los labios

Mira que el miedo nos hizo
Cometer estupideces
Nos dejo sordos y ciegos
Tantas veces

Y un dia despues
De la tormenta
Cuando menos piensas sale el sol
De tanto sumar
Pierdes la cuenta
Porque uno y uno
No siempre son dos
Cuando menos piensas
Sale el sol

Te llore hasta el extremo
De lo que era posible
Cuando crei que era
No hay mal que dure cien años
Ni cuerpo que lo aguante
Y lo mejor siempre espera


jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

You don't get to break somebody's heart and still say you care about them.
In life, we all make plans, but sometimes they don't turn out the way we expected.
By trying to help out, we may damage a relationship.
By attempting to reach out, we may push someone further away.
By digging into the past, we may enrich our present.
But then there are those who refuse to let go of their plans.


miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015


There are times when we all could use a little help.
When our generosity has been repaid with cruelty.
When our behavior has filled us with regret.
And when our future has become terribly uncertain.


lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015


Love can bring out the best in us.
The confidence to move on.
The courage to tell the truth.
The strength to keep hoping.
But sometimes what surprises us most isn't what love brings out but who it brings back.


viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

Good friends are the ones who tell us the truth about ourselves.
Even when the truth might be something we're reluctant to admit.
That we still have a great deal to learn, that we sometimes need to ask for help, that we may be overlooking a golden opportunity.
Yes, hearing the truth can often set us on a different path.
But we never know where that path might take us.



It's a lonely business keeping secrets.
That's why we all search for someone we can confide in.
An ally who will understand.
An advisor we can trust.
A friend who will never judge.
Yes, we all need help hiding the darkest truths of our lives.
Because as soon as you've told one secret another is likely to appear.


jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

martes, 28 de abril de 2015


We often learn our most important lessons outside the classroom.
The painful truth about the state of a relationship.
The sad fact that life's colors aren't always rosy.
Then there are those who refuse to accept these important lessons.


lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

My name is Dani.
I think I'm ok.
I guess I'd like to be alone.
If you ask that's what I'll say.

Just don't ask me how I am.
Just don't ask me what it was.
It's only the best of friends who stay long after the party's over to help clean up.
It's good to have friends who help clean up our messes.
But everyone knows that as soon as one mess is taken care of another one appears.
And we may find ourselves right back where we started.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

You can't break a heart that's already broken.
You can't steal a heart that's already stolen.
My greatest desire is to love and be loved.
I'm a believer I'm not giving up.
And what doesn't kill me is making me strong.
I'm waiting, I'm willing, I'm ready for love.


miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Our lives are brief.
That's why it's important to search for meaning.
We find it in our love's smile, in the warmth of our friends or the comfort of our faith.
Then there are those who make their lives meaningful by making a great sacrifice.

We may think we've left the past behind, but it has a way of catching up to us.
Though we want to run away, we are forced to confront our past.
And then, if we are strong, we are able to move on.
Yes, we all need to leave the past behind and move on toward the future.
And if we're lucky, we will have help getting there.



El destino es algo curioso. No siempre nos lleva por donde queremos ir, y muchas veces termina guiándonos hacia un lugar inesperado en donde nos sentimos confundidos, perdidos, sin saber hacia dónde nos dirigimos.


lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

all of me
loves all of you
all your perfect imperfections

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

Es importante recordar que lo que uno hace y lo que uno es no siempre son la misma cosa.


domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

no sirve de nada ver las experiencias como buenas o malas. Más que nada hay que verlas como lecciones. Tanto lo bueno como lo malo son parte de un todo, y hay que abrazar ese todo para alcanzar la existencia plena 


sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

If you gave me a chance I would take it.
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015


Necesito que me digas que me quieres.
Necesito que me vengas a buscar.
I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

La gente toma decisiones todos los días.
Y esas decisiones son las que nos definen.
Algunos de nosotros elegimos ser leales.
Otros eligen ser valientes.
Y otros optan por mentir.
Depende de nosotros qué elegir.


People make choices every day.
And those choices are what define us.
Some of us choose to be loyal, though we're angry and hurt.
Some of us choose to be brave, though we're frightened out of our minds.
Others choose to strike out when they could have walked away.
But what about those people who are trapped by circumstance? What happens to those who have no choices left?



Some men make promises they have no intention of keeping.
They tell lies to get what they want.
We cannot trust the men we don't know.
And those we do know? Well, we can't always trust them either.


martes, 14 de abril de 2015

"¿Sabes? Aún extraño esos momentos que nunca vivimos, tantos recuerdos que jamás escribimos. Sí, aún te extraño. Extraño nada y tanto de ti. Tan poco de eso, que a veces me diste. Extraño una parte de mí, esa que se fue contigo. No te voy a mentir, te extraño, te extraño como a nadie. Pero… de extrañar no se vive."

Fer Dichter

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Llega una edad en donde todo parecería girar en torno al par, el miedo a la soltería resulta en muchos sinónimo de infelicidad, escondido en ese infame estado de "soledad" al cual tantos le temen.
Y sin embargo, resulta que el miedo a la soledad no es más que el miedo a estar a solas con uno mismo!
Darse el tiempo para escucharnos, pensarnos y sentirnos es increíblemente más difícil que conseguir a alguien que siga nuestro camino en paralelo.
Pero para los que no creemos en las líneas rectas, para los que queremos curvas, tangentes, ángulos y diagonales, vale la pena esperar a esa persona que nos sorprenda sacudiéndonos el cuerpo y alma... sumidos en una sincera y muy mimosa soledad!



Los que recordamos porque cuentan una historia.
Los que damos nerviosamente.
Los que planificamos mil veces y los que no.
Los que se plasman en cachetes de amigos, hermanos, sobrinos, mamás, abuelas.
Tantas formas como receptores.
Los besos son lo máximo en todas sus expresiones.


domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

There are a lot of ways to win in this world.
Some battles are won with a hasty retreat.
Some victories are claimed by those willing to cheat.
Some opponents are defeated with nothing more than a smile.
Of course, for some, it's not enough to win.
Someone else has got to lose.


jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

l started to think about belief.
Maybe it's not advisable to be an optimist after the age of 30.
Maybe pessimism is something we have to apply daily.
Otherwise, how do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system and love does not, as promised, conquer all.
ls hope a drug we need to go off of, or is it keeping us alive?
What's the harm in believing?

Some are cast as romantic leads.
Others end up being the victim.
And a few always provide comic relief.
And then there are those who end up playing the hero.
Especially if they feel there's a villain who lives just across the street.


Our father whose arts in heaven.
Hollow be thy name.

Blue Jeans


In our darkest moments, we all need someone who will listen.
Some turn to friendly professionals.
A few rely on those who are older and wiser.
Others seek out someone who knows what they're going through.
But for most of us, nothing is quite so therapeutic as a good long talk with a few old friends.