jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

La gran mayoría de las cosas que consideramos "importantes" en realidad no son tan importantes cuando miras el todo. La vida es tan complicada como queramos que sea.

para vivir lo único que uno necesita son ganas de respirar.


martes, 28 de abril de 2015


We often learn our most important lessons outside the classroom.
The painful truth about the state of a relationship.
The sad fact that life's colors aren't always rosy.
Then there are those who refuse to accept these important lessons.


lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

My name is Dani.
I think I'm ok.
I guess I'd like to be alone.
If you ask that's what I'll say.

Just don't ask me how I am.
Just don't ask me what it was.
It's only the best of friends who stay long after the party's over to help clean up.
It's good to have friends who help clean up our messes.
But everyone knows that as soon as one mess is taken care of another one appears.
And we may find ourselves right back where we started.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

I never was smart with love.
I let the bad ones in and the good ones go.


jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

You can't break a heart that's already broken.
You can't steal a heart that's already stolen.
My greatest desire is to love and be loved.
I'm a believer I'm not giving up.
And what doesn't kill me is making me strong.
I'm waiting, I'm willing, I'm ready for love.


miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Our lives are brief.
That's why it's important to search for meaning.
We find it in our love's smile, in the warmth of our friends or the comfort of our faith.
Then there are those who make their lives meaningful by making a great sacrifice.

We may think we've left the past behind, but it has a way of catching up to us.
Though we want to run away, we are forced to confront our past.
And then, if we are strong, we are able to move on.
Yes, we all need to leave the past behind and move on toward the future.
And if we're lucky, we will have help getting there.



El destino es algo curioso. No siempre nos lleva por donde queremos ir, y muchas veces termina guiándonos hacia un lugar inesperado en donde nos sentimos confundidos, perdidos, sin saber hacia dónde nos dirigimos.


lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

all of me
loves all of you
all your perfect imperfections

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

Es importante recordar que lo que uno hace y lo que uno es no siempre son la misma cosa.


domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

no sirve de nada ver las experiencias como buenas o malas. Más que nada hay que verlas como lecciones. Tanto lo bueno como lo malo son parte de un todo, y hay que abrazar ese todo para alcanzar la existencia plena 


sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

If you gave me a chance I would take it.
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015


Necesito que me digas que me quieres.
Necesito que me vengas a buscar.
I've always been in love with you
I guess you've always known it's true
You took my love for granted

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

La gente toma decisiones todos los días.
Y esas decisiones son las que nos definen.
Algunos de nosotros elegimos ser leales.
Otros eligen ser valientes.
Y otros optan por mentir.
Depende de nosotros qué elegir.


People make choices every day.
And those choices are what define us.
Some of us choose to be loyal, though we're angry and hurt.
Some of us choose to be brave, though we're frightened out of our minds.
Others choose to strike out when they could have walked away.
But what about those people who are trapped by circumstance? What happens to those who have no choices left?



Some men make promises they have no intention of keeping.
They tell lies to get what they want.
We cannot trust the men we don't know.
And those we do know? Well, we can't always trust them either.


martes, 14 de abril de 2015

"¿Sabes? Aún extraño esos momentos que nunca vivimos, tantos recuerdos que jamás escribimos. Sí, aún te extraño. Extraño nada y tanto de ti. Tan poco de eso, que a veces me diste. Extraño una parte de mí, esa que se fue contigo. No te voy a mentir, te extraño, te extraño como a nadie. Pero… de extrañar no se vive."

Fer Dichter

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Llega una edad en donde todo parecería girar en torno al par, el miedo a la soltería resulta en muchos sinónimo de infelicidad, escondido en ese infame estado de "soledad" al cual tantos le temen.
Y sin embargo, resulta que el miedo a la soledad no es más que el miedo a estar a solas con uno mismo!
Darse el tiempo para escucharnos, pensarnos y sentirnos es increíblemente más difícil que conseguir a alguien que siga nuestro camino en paralelo.
Pero para los que no creemos en las líneas rectas, para los que queremos curvas, tangentes, ángulos y diagonales, vale la pena esperar a esa persona que nos sorprenda sacudiéndonos el cuerpo y alma... sumidos en una sincera y muy mimosa soledad!



Los que recordamos porque cuentan una historia.
Los que damos nerviosamente.
Los que planificamos mil veces y los que no.
Los que se plasman en cachetes de amigos, hermanos, sobrinos, mamás, abuelas.
Tantas formas como receptores.
Los besos son lo máximo en todas sus expresiones.


domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

There are a lot of ways to win in this world.
Some battles are won with a hasty retreat.
Some victories are claimed by those willing to cheat.
Some opponents are defeated with nothing more than a smile.
Of course, for some, it's not enough to win.
Someone else has got to lose.


jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

l started to think about belief.
Maybe it's not advisable to be an optimist after the age of 30.
Maybe pessimism is something we have to apply daily.
Otherwise, how do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system and love does not, as promised, conquer all.
ls hope a drug we need to go off of, or is it keeping us alive?
What's the harm in believing?

Some are cast as romantic leads.
Others end up being the victim.
And a few always provide comic relief.
And then there are those who end up playing the hero.
Especially if they feel there's a villain who lives just across the street.


Our father whose arts in heaven.
Hollow be thy name.

Blue Jeans


In our darkest moments, we all need someone who will listen.
Some turn to friendly professionals.
A few rely on those who are older and wiser.
Others seek out someone who knows what they're going through.
But for most of us, nothing is quite so therapeutic as a good long talk with a few old friends.