jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


Dreams.. everybody has them.. some good, some bad.
Some you wish you could forget.
Sometimes you realize you've outgrown them.
Sometimes you feel like they're finally coming true.
And some of us just have nightmares.
But no matter what you dream, when morning comes, reality intrudes and the dream begins to slip away.


miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015


You might be brave enough to reveal your secret, only to have it used against you. Or someone else's secret might affect you in unexpected ways.
There are some secrets you're only too happy to keep.
Others surface only to be buried away deeper than they were before.
But the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal, that once spoken, change everything.

Love may fade with the season, but some friendships are year-round.



A simple trip to the beach could be all it takes to clear our heads and open our hearts and write a new ending to an old story.
There are those who got burned by the heat. They just want to forget and start over.
While there are others who want each moment to last forever.
But the end of summer is the beginning of a new season, so we found ourselves looking to the future.
You ain't seen nothing yet.


martes, 28 de julio de 2015


Sí, la verdad siempre sale a la luz. Es una de las reglas fundamentales del tiempo. Y cuando sale a la luz, puede liberarte.


lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

One thing about being on the inside.. once you get there, you don't always get to choose where you stand. Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be. And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself.

Uno de los problemas de estar adentro es que cuando estas ahí no siempre eliges donde estar. O donde sentarte.
A veces necesitas salir, aclarar tu mente y recordar lo que eres. Y donde quieres estar.
Y a veces, hay que aventurarse fuera de tu mundo para encontrarte a ti mismo.

It's often said that no matter the truth, people see what they want to see.
Some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture all along. Some people might see that their lies have almost caught up to them. Some people may see what was there all along. And then there are those other people.. the ones who run as far as they can so they don't have to look at themselves.


domingo, 26 de julio de 2015


Some say love is a river..
Some say love's a silly song..
Some say love is all around us..
it lifts us up where we belong
Some say love is hearing laughter in the rain..
but in real life, we all know love is pain.

Algunos dicen que el amor es un río..
Otros dicen que el amor es una canción tonta..
Otros que el amor está a nuestro alrededor.
Y que nos eleve a donde pertenecemos.
Muchos dicen que el amor es oír risas en la lluvia.
Pero en la vida real todos sabemos que el amor es dolor.



We go to the movies because we want to see fairy tales.
But life isn't a fairy tale and happy endings are few and far between.
So that's why we need movies.
To remind us that despite it all, love can still spring in the most unlikely of places...
and that sometimes even fairy tales can come true..